
Detergente lavadora de Lavanda, Biocenter
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Detergente lavadora ecológico de Lavanda, Biocenter Detergente líquido concentrado para ropa blanca o de color, es apto tanto para lavar a mano como en la lavadora. Penetra las fibras en profundidad y elimina las manchas preservando los tejidos. Con aceite esencial de Lavanda. Sin blanqueadores ópticos y testado dermatológicamente. Producto apto para...
Hennatint Castaño Claro, Radhe Shyam
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  • -25%
€10.88 €14.50
Hennatint Light Brown, Radhe Shyam With this natural dye, you will achieve a natural light brown color, and you will also take care of and add shine to your hair. Each package contains: A bottle of color fixer A bottle of dye A pair of gloves A cap A sachet of balm Vismar Natural - Ecological Products
Lápiz de ojos Kajal Azul, Radhe Shyam
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Blue Kajal Eyeliner - Radhe Shyam

Lápiz de ojos Kajal Azul, Radhe Shyam El Kajal es un lápiz de Ojos con una combinación de ingredientes naturales y hollín. Es de naturaleza orgánica, y ayuda a proteger los ojos de las infecciones. Consigue una mirada intensa.  *Ingredientes naturales *Color azul Vismar Natural - Productos Ecológicos
Natural Ash Blonde Henna Powder, Radhe Shyam This natural ammonia-free hair dye made from plants cares for and nourishes the skin, resulting in an orange color. It uses natural products to provide the best care for the scalp. Box Contents: 1 bag of 100g Dye Powder 1 plastic shower cap 1 pair of gloves 1 application brush Vismar Natural -...
Spray para Perro Antiolor, Biocenter
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Dog Odor Spray, Biocenter

Spray para Perro Antiolor, Biocenter Este spray sin gas con ingredientes 100% naturales con propiedades antibacterianas, ayudan a eliminar los malos olores entre los baños y las sesiones de aseo.  *Contiene 250ml Vismar Natural - Productos Ecológicos
Desodorante Ecológico Talco, Biocenter - Productos Ecológicos
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Desodorantes Ecológicos

Biocenter Talc Spray Deodorant

Eco-Friendly Talc Deodorant, Biocenter This natural deodorant for armpits has a talc scent, providing a relaxing sensation. Additionally, its ingredients help eliminate unpleasant odors. *Contains 100ml Vismar Natural - Eco-Friendly Products
Desodorante ecológico Roll-On Lavanda
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Desodorantes Ecológicos

Eco-Friendly Lavender Roll-On Deodorant, Biocenter

Eco-Friendly Lavender Roll-On Deodorant, Biocenter This aluminum-free eco-friendly deodorant will envelop you in the fresh scent of lavender, creating a very pleasant sensation. A practical roll-on to accompany you daily and eliminate bad odors. *Contains 75ml Vismar Natural - Eco-Friendly Products
Desodorante en Spray Aloe Geranio Lavanda, Biocenter
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Desodorantes Ecológicos

Aloe Geranium Lavender Spray Deodorant, Biocenter

Eco-Friendly Spray Deodorant Aloe Geranium Lavender, Biocenter This natural spray deodorant is rich in Aloe vera, extract of Pansy Flower, and pure essential oils of Geranium, Lavender, and Tea Tree. It is dermatologically tested on sensitive skin. *Contains 100ml Vismar Natural - Eco-Friendly Products
Desodorante ecológico Roll-On Talco, Biocenter
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Desodorantes Ecológicos

Biocenter Talc Eco-Friendly Roll-On Deodorant

Eco-Friendly Roll-On Deodorant - Talc, Biocenter This aluminum-free eco-friendly deodorant has a soft and relaxing fragrance, providing a sweet sense of well-being. The alum stone fights the bacteria responsible for bad odors without disrupting the skin's normal sweating process. *Contains 75ml Vismar Natural - Eco-Friendly Products
Mascarilla Capilar nutritiva Karité Mango, Biocenter - Vismar Natural
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Shea Mango Nourishing Hair Mask, Biocenter This mask for damaged hair rich in Aloe Vera has moisturizing and protective properties. Shea Butter and Coconut Oil, which are softening and highly penetrating, repair hair fibers. *Contains 200ml Vismar Natural - Organic Products
Ácido Cítrico Ecológico, Biocenter
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Ácido Cítrico Ecológico, Biocenter Ácido Cítrico, es un detergente multiusos ecológico certificado por AIAB y apto para Veganos. El 100% de los ingredientes es de origen natural. Cuando se diluye en agua, se puede usar como antical, desincrustante para WC, suavizante para lavadora, abrillantador para lavavajillas, cuidado de electrodomésticos....
Champú natural Fortaleza Anticaída, Naturtint - Productos Ecológicos
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Champús y acondicionadores

Naturtint Anti-Hair Loss Strengthening Shampoo

Fortifying Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo, Naturtint This sulfate-free fortifying anti-hair loss shampoo is formulated with natural ingredients. Specifically created for weak hair, lacking density, or experiencing hair loss issues. Its natural actives strengthen, reduce hair loss, and increase hair density while maintaining shine for longer. *Contains 330ml...
Equinacea 500 mg 100 comprimidos, Sotya
Suplementos alimenticios

Echinacea 500 mg 100 tablets, Sotya

Echinacea 500 mg 100 tablets, Sotya The echinacea is a plant that has properties that help improve the immune system. Therefore, it is used to prevent mild illnesses such as: Colds Sore throats Flus *Contains 100 tablets Vismar Natural - Organic Products
Invigorating Shower Gel, Biocenter This eco-friendly shower gel contains aloe vera juice and avocado oil, which provide hydration and nourishment to the skin, offering deep care. *Contains 1L Vismar Natural - Eco-Friendly Products
Acondicionador Reestructurante y Lenitivo, Biocenter - Vismar Natural
  • -€5.45
Champús y acondicionadores

Restructuring and Soothing Conditioner, Biocenter

€14.45 €19.90
Restructuring and Soothing Conditioner, Biocenter This conditioner is extremely effective. It provides hydration and essential nutrients to restore health and natural beauty, strengthening the hair. Ideal for more brittle hair. *Contains 1L Vismar Natural - Ecological Products
V-Fos Vientre plano, Sotya
Suplementos alimenticios

V-Fos Flat Belly, Sotya

V-Fos Flat Belly, Sotya This dietary supplement from V-Fos for a flat belly helps eliminate and reduce intestinal issues, such as bloating or constipation. *Contains 100 tablets Vismar Natural - Organic Products
Natural Argan and Lavender Bath Gel, Mon Deconatur This natural chemical-free bath gel with argan and lavender will relax your body, thanks to its lavender scent that will envelop you. Additionally, it is made with natural ingredients to provide the best body care. *Contains 750ml Vismar Natural - Ecological Products
Tinte Natural Henna Negro, Radhe Shyam
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Tinte Natural Henna Negro - Radhe Shyam El Tinte vegetal Henna Negro de Radhe Shyam está compuesto por Henna o Lawsonia Inermis y otras plantas para colorear tu cabello cubriendo de forma natural las canas (si las tienes). Con este tinte vegetal no solo no estropeas ni agredes tu cabello sino que le estás aportando fuerza, brillo y volumen. Contenido de...
Hennatint Gris Claro Berenjena, Radhe Shyam
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Hennatint Gris Claro Berenjena, Radhe Shyam Esta caja contiene: Un frasco de fijador del color Un frasco de tinte Un par de guantes Un gorro Una bolsita de bálsamo Vismar Natural - Productos Ecológicos
Baby Anthyllis

EcoBio Multi-Purpose Sanitizer, Baby Anthyllis

Multiusos Higienizante EcoBio, Baby Anthyllis Este detergente líquido para la limpieza de superficies y ambientes que puedan entrar en contacto con el bebé. Efecto higienizante natural gracias al aceite esencial del árbol del té, conocido por sus propiedades antibacterianas y antimicótica. *Contiene 500ml Vismar Natural - Productos Ecológicos
Barra de cacao
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Cuidado bucal

2x1 Neutral Cocoa Lip Balm, Alkemilla

Barra de cacao Neutro Bio, Alkemilla Esta barra de cacao tiene un aroma neutro, además, hidrata y protege los labios con intensidad. Cuida y regenera tus labios gracias a su contenido en aceites vegetales ecológicos de avellana, girasol y ricino, las ceras naturales candelilla y carnauba y la manteca de cacao. *Contiene 2x5gr Vismar Natural - Productos...
Lápiz de cejas Rubio Ceniza 03, Alkemilla
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Alkemilla Eyebrow Pencil Ash Blonde 03

Lápiz de cejas Rubio Ceniza 03, Alkemilla El lápiz para cejas con un tono rubio ceniza tiene un contenido rico en extractos vegetales y vitamina E, proporciona un acabado de seda. Delinea, llena y remodela las cejas con un resultado totalmente natural y duradero. *Contiene 1,50gr Vismar Natural - Productos Ecológicos 
Henna Caoba Luminoso polvo, Radhe Shyam
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Henna Caoba Luminoso polvo, Radhe Shyam Este tinte sin amoniaco de henna caoba luminoso es una alternativa natural a los tintes químicos, cuidando el cabello. Además, la henna cubre los cabellos grises, refuerza las raíces y protege el cuero cabelludo Contenido de la caja: 1 bolsa 100 gr de Polvo Tinte  1 gorro baño de plástico  1 par de guantes...
Champús y acondicionadores

Ocean Solid Shampoo, VismarEssence Natural Products

1 Reviews
Natural Solid Shampoo for Hair - Ocean - VismarEssence Naturals Products This natural solid shampoo is made with plant protein, making it the best alternative to traditional shampoos. As a result, you will achieve soft, clean hair without weighing it down. It is suitable for all hair types. How to use: Rub the solid shampoo bar on wet hair until it...
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